18 June 2018

The month of June proved to be very successful for the Hemeryck Godart stables. On the international tracks at Bourg-en-Bresse, Moorsele, Roeser, Lier and Gross Viegeln, the horses proved their quality and the results attest to that! More details on the performances they have achieved …
Ridden by Rik
CSI 4* at Bourg-en-Bresse (FRA)
Ulyss Morinda, Carlitto van’t Zorgvliet and Jules de Lauzelle made the trip to Bourg-en-Bresse in order to take part in the certified 4* events. The challenge was spiced up since they all ended up participating in a prize giving in the course of the weekend. It was Carlitto van’t Zorgvliet who got the ball rolling by being placed 8th in a speed test (1m50), all the while showing his “superior behaviour” With a double clear, Ulyss Morinda distinguished himself in the 1m50 event on the Saturday and finishing 7th after a superb jump off: which satisfied his rider, who is “very happy” with the rapid progression of this stallion! Finally, it was with an 8th place that Jules de Lauzelle closed the weekend.
CSI YH/1*/2* at Moorsele (BEL)
It was a larger team that went to Moorsele in early June, and the report back was very positive.
Tum Play du Jouas was in the spotlight this particular weekend, because, in addition to having already been placed over 1m40 on Friday, he won the 2* Grand Prix (1m50) on Sunday against seven others in the jump off! Although a little surprised the other days, Jarvi de Sclef finished twelfth over a 2* track on Thursday.
In the same events, Cassamoon (aka Casallina) showed herself to be very promising, by producing two placings of sixth and eleventh : “For an eight year old mare, it’s really good.” Another win arrived, this time with Qarmina de Greenbay Z who had already gained a fifth place the day before. As for Loupiac de Sclef – he produced 90% clear rounds over the weekend, and snaffled a couple of third places on the circuit reserved for seven year old horses.
Just like his previously mentioned stable mate, Morfine de Muze finished the majority of courses with a clear round and was placed at the end of each of them. Fourth, eighth and twelfth, he was much remarked upon in the young horse events for five and six year olds. Same scenario for Machu Pichu de Muze, who was placed fifth and tenth in the same tests.
Finally, the new recruit Urbane Puychety has proven himself without delay by being placed each day in the Top 5: second in the 1* Grand Prix, third and fourth again in this same classification: his best is yet to come !
CSI 1*/3* at Roeser (LUX)
Jarvi de Sclef was one of Rik’s three partners this weekend. One will recall his placing in the 3*, thanks to a third place over 1m45. Deesse de la Sure did not take part in the Grand Prix as originally planned since this was canceled due to bad weather. The mare nevertheless achieved good performances in the preliminary competitions. Epi de Grand Champ began the competition for our side on the land of the Luxembourgers by offering a tenth and twelfth place in a 1* competition.
CSI 2*/4* at Gross Viegeln (GER)
It was again Ulyss Morinda who distinguished himself in Germany by winning a 4* event, over a 1m45 course. Author of an extremely fast course, the stallion who had gone early on was unable to be caught, despite the efforts of the German riders, and others. Entered in the (1m60) Grand Prix, he proved himself worthy. Despite a small mistake, he jumped “with ease, considering this was his first time over such a taxing course”.
Ridden by Anne-Sophie
CSI YH/2* at Lier (BEL)
On 2* courses, Qarmina de Greenbay Z “really jumped well” all the weekend but was unlucky, and didn't quite get the perfect round she'd been hoping for. For her return to competition, Vidretta M de Bellignies produced a pleasing clear round, still in the 2* class. Etoile by MDL however, had energy to spare! Clear over the fences at 1m45 on the second day, he continues to make progress!
Next weekend the horses will head off in the direction of Bonheiden for a CSI YH, 2* and 3! We're hoping this new CSI will be just as productive!