Resumption of the competition at the national competition of Neeroeteren

While some horses were remaining training, others resumed competition at the national of Neeroeteren. The seven-year-old horses were very promising on this show jumping. For her second competition under Rik's saddle, Déesse de la Sure listened closely to her rider and thus completed two perfect courses. "It's a mare which only...
Good things at the international show jumping of Poznan

This weekend, Rik crossed Europe to go at the 4* CSI of Poznan in Poland. Registered in classes quoted in 1.40m/1.45m, Bretling du Paradis Z began well his show jumping with two perfect rounds on the first days. "The horse behaved well, a slight sign of tiredness on Saturday made him...
A French-Belgian weekend

It was again a French-Belgian weekend for Hemeryck Godard stables with Anne-Sophie who was trampling the arenas of the international show jumping of Chantilly (FRA), while Rik was participating in the Gravenwezel national (BEL). Registered on the Young Horses classes, Jarpur remained true to form. The horse completed deux perfect rounds...
Horses in place in Bourg-en-Bresse

This weekend, it was Rik's turn to present his horses during the 4* international show jumping of Bourg-en-Bresse. The BWP, Jarvi de Sclef, was registered in the three Young Horses classes reserved for seven-year-old horses (1.25m/1.30m/1.35m) in which he completes twice a clear round. "I had a good feeling with Jarvi....
Horses become more mature in Opglabbeek

Accompanied by three young horses in training - Jarpur, Casallina and Ilka van ter Hulst - Anne-Sophie went on the 2* international show jumping of Opglabbeek. The young BWP male, Jarpur, was registered in the three 1* Young Horses classes, reserved for seven-year-old horses. He listened closely his rider from the...
A beneficial event

Last weekend, seven horses crossed the French-Belgian border again to go at the Touquet international show jumping. The seven-year-old horses were registered in classes labelled Young Horses. Generally speaking, they were very promising. Jarvi de Sclef completed a perfect course on Friday (1.30m). Jule de Lauzelle ranked on Thursday on his...
The international derby of Compiègne reveals the horses

Hemeryck Godart stables loaded six of their horses for the international 2* of Compiègne last weekend. The BWP male, Carlotta Van't Zorgvliet, realizes a clear round on the track during his first class. Then the horse ranks at place ten of the Grand Prix (1.45m) on Sunday despite a small error...
National Gold’s makes the latest recruits start
Rik Hemeryck took part this weekend in the National Gold's at Gravenwezel with three horses. Cornet Obolensky's son, Conrad, is a horse entrusted by an owner with the aim of optimizing his performances in track. He ranks on Friday in a course quoted at 1.30m, then signs a perfect clear round...
Return on the last weekend of GPA Jump Festival

Hemeryck Godard Stables participated this weekend in the last session of the GPA Jump Festival in Cagnes-sur-Mer. The horses of seven years old were very hardworking. Jule de Lauzelle completed a clear round in the course quoted in 1.25m and then ranked in the Young Horses Grand Prix (1.35m) on Thursday....
Beginning of 2016 season at the GPA Jump Festival

Resumption of the competition for ten horses from Hemeryck Godard's stables which came to Cagnes-sur-Mer for the second part of the festivities at the GPA Jump Festival. Cassamoon (alias Casallina) took part in the Young Horses (YH) 5 and 6 years old tests. With little experience the mare progresses and showed...
Goodbye Crack de Muze

We would certainly see Crack de Muse competing again on the other side of the Atlantic. Bamako de Muze's son is a horse with a great future which arrived at the stables five years ago. Last year, he suffered from a lack of luck in the seven-year-old horse championship but has...
Ulyss Morinda in public presentation at Gênes Diffusion

On the 6th of March, Gênes Diffusion opened the doors of Douai's Stud farm to present 18 available stallions for the 2016 breeding season. Several hundred people made the trip to appreciate the model, the looks and the jump of stallions presenting very interesting genetic materials and sports performances. Let us...